When To Get a COVID-19 Vaccine Booster
The earliest you should get a bivalent booster is 3 months after your last vaccine dose or last confirmed COVID-19 infection. It is recommended that you wait 6 months after the last dose or COVID-19 infection. Here is some information from the University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy about the Bivalent Boosters
People 6 years of age and older can get their COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as, or any time before or after, other vaccines. For example, you can receive your Flu shot and COVID-19 vaccine on the same day.
The National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommends that children aged 6 months to 5 years of age have a 14-day interval before and after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine and another vaccine. This is to help monitor for possible side-effects from the vaccines.